Friday, January 18, 2013

Interview With Myself

Chapter One.

Page 18 of 365.

Interview With Myself.

Now, we’re going to talk about us.
Hold on, hold on. That comes out wrong.
We’re going to talk about ourselves.

How old are you?
I’m 20 going on 21 this year. This is the real counting but i feel like 10 since i still watch SpongeBob SquarePants every morning with my little cousins.
How about you?

What is your activity?
I’m a college student, on the third semester, majoring in Marketing Communication. Inside, i feel like i’m fed up of studying and i can’t wait any longer to make it on the real world. Truthfully, i’m scared to death when it comes to face the real world.
How about you?

What are your plans?
I’m going to be a communication/marketing/financial consultant. At least, that is the closest thing that i can do with my degree to my childhood dream, a psychologist. I always have this urge to start running my own business, like most of the Chinese descent guy. But, again, i think i’m still lacking of some things.
How about you?

What is your biggest dream?
Well, for now, it’s going on a trip to South Korea. LOL. But i always wanted to be a contributor on a newspaper or magazine, talking about anything and get paid for doing that. I never want to be a journalist, i want to be a contributor so i can write stuff on my own. And also, having my own consultant firm.
How about you?

What are you willing to trade with a million dollar?
Well, a sign of me? LOL. I don’t know.
How about you?

What is the first thing that comes your mind when you hear ‘career’?
Business owner. Well, i hope it’s a writer at the first time but business owner is the first thing in my mind for a career.
How about you?

What are you doing now?
Finding out myself. Finding out what i really wanna do in life. Finding out how i can make an impact and being significant to this messy world. Finding out how to be a succesful Christian guy. Finding out how to be independent on my 21st birthday.
How about you?

The best thing of life is not finding the ultimate destination.
It’s about making the most of you along the journey.

Never over think your life.
Make it simple.
Do what you love.
Leave the bad influence.
Live the life you always want to have.
