Saturday, August 24, 2013

Before I Fall In Love

Chapter Eight.

Page 236 of 365.

Before I Fall In Love

My heart says we've got something real
Can I trust the way I feel?
'cause my heart's been fooled before.

No, you are not my first, just like i'm not yours.
I can't be so sure about us.
I've been hurt and i don't want to be hurt again.

Am I just seeing what I want to see?
Or, is it true, c
ould you really be someone to have and hold
with all my heart and soul?
I need to know, before I fall in love.

People tell me that i'm delusional,
that i don't see things the way they are.
Instead, i see things the way i want them to be.
i think you are what i want you to be.
Can you convince me?

Someone who'll stay around 
through all my up's and down's
Please tell me now, before I fall in love.

A relationship is not a moment.

It's not an event.
It's a journey.
Would you go with me?
No, i mean,
would you stay with me?

I'm at the point of no return,
so afraid of getting burned, 
but I wanna take a chance.

Yes, i really do.
I want to give you chances.
I don't want anyone else.
I don't know either.
Do we need a reason to fall in love?

Oh, please give me a reason to believe.

Just one reason would be enough for me.
Or is it too much to ask from you?

Say, you're the one, that you'll always be someone to have and hold
with all my heart and soul.
I need to know, before I fall in love.

Because the truth is,
i'm scared.
I'm scared of the thought of losing you,
the thought of not having you around,
the thought of seeing you happy with someone else.

Someone who'll stay around
through all my up's and down's.
Please tell me now, before I fall in love.

Because i know,
we are not meant to be.
So, i need you tell me that you will
stand beside me when we're fighting the whole world together.

It's been so hard for me to give my heart away,
but I would give my everything
just to hear you say..

I will voluntarily catch a grenade for you.
I will give you my everything.
I've fallen from the heaven and they won't take me back.
I exchange heaven for a chance of being with you.
I don't always be good.
I just want to be happy,
i just want to be with you.

"Someone to have and hold
with all my heart and soul."

Please, tell me before i fall in love.

It's a little bit too late.

I always loved you from the beginning.


I don't own the lyrics of Before I Fall In Love on the left side.
I only made the poem on the right side.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Untukmu, J

Chapter Eight.

Page 221 of 365.

Untukmu, J.

Untukmu, J.

Halo, J..

Apa kabar?

Pasti baik, kan? Tadi aku lihat kamu bersama seorang teman pergi berdua.

Ya, aku harap dia hanya seorang teman.
Memikirkan bahwa sudah ada orang lain yang memilikimu tidak bisa diterima pikiranku.
Jika ada formula ‘yang harusnya memilikimu’ pastilah jawabannya adalah ‘aku’.

Sudah lama kita tidak mengobrol..

Bahkan, aku ragu kita pernah mengobrol sebelumnya.

Maksudku, mengobrol tentang kita.
Bukan tentang temanmu.
Bukan tentang temanku.
Bukan tentang pekerjaanmu.
Bukan tentang studiku.
Tapi tentang kita.
Tentang harapan.
Tentang cinta.

Aku tahu.

Mungkin ini salah.
Mungkin memang benar jika kita berdua bukanlah pasangan yang sepadan.

Tapi kadang aku bertanya, siapakah yang menentukan batas baik dan benar?
Bukankah jika kita berdua merasa bahwa ini adalah hal yang baik, itu adalah hal yang baik?

Kenapa harus dengar apa kata orang?
Kenapa harus dengar apa kata dunia?

Aku menulis surat ini bukan sebagai surat cinta yang merayu – rayu agar aku bisa kembali mendekatimu.
Aku menulis surat ini karena aku merasa kehilangan.
Aku merasa kehilangan seorang teman baik.

Bukannya berlagak munafik.
Ya, mungkin rasa itu masih ada sampai saat ini.

Tapi yang lebih aku butuhkan saat ini adalah teman.
Seorang teman yang mengerti aku, yang mengerti apa yang aku hadapi, dan yang tidak menghakimi.
Seorang teman seperti kamu yang dahulu.

Aku sudah hampir bisa mendengar suaramu yang menyerukan nada – nada sinis agar aku berhenti menjadi seorang bayi dan mulai menghadapi hidup.

Kamu bisa bertahan hidup sebelum bertemu aku. Kenapa harus tidak bisa melanjutkan hidup lagi tanpaku?


Aku juga belum menemukan jawabnya sampai saat ini.
Mungkin aku harus lebih giat lagi mencari jawabannya.

aku harap kamu sehat selalu dan bahagia.

Dengannya, tanpaku

Dari, I.

PS: Maaf jika kertasnya basah, aku bersumpah ini bukan tetes air mata.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Meja Untuk Dua

Chapter Eight.

Page 217 of 365.

Meja Untuk Dua.

Meja untuk dua orang,
di kedai kopi tempat kita pertama bertemu.
Saat kita masih senang bermain – main dengan api cinta
tanpa takut akan terbakar panasnya cemburu.

Segelas susu dingin untukmu
dan satu gelas kopi pahit untukku.
Karena aku sudah punya pemanis sendiri untuk kopi ini,
wajahmu yang tersenyum saat duduk di hadapanku.

Sepiring kentang goreng dengan saos tomat,
digoreng kering tanpa tambahan garam.
Dimakan selagi hangat saat hujan di luar,
sebelum hawa dingin masuk membuatnya lembek,

Kue cokelat manis sebagai penutup,
satu piring untuk berdua.
Biar romantis, katamu,
lagipula celana mulai sempit nih.

Meja untuk dua orang,
di kedai kopi tempat kita pertama bertemu.
Ku isi sendiri kali ini.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Last Misery

Chapter Eight.

Page 215 of 365.

The Last Misery.


I don't choose to feel this way.

Unfortunately, this is happening.

The grief, the sorrow, they just come out naturally.


I don't want to feel this way.

Believe me, i even hate myself when i do this.

The tears, the sadness, they don't tell you the whole story.

There is always a reason why people are being the way they are now.

There is always an explanation why they do things.

There is an answer for every question.

Only if you ask the right one.

I pray.

I pray to be stronger.

I pray to be wiser.

I pray to be more patient.

I pray to understand why.

I pray a lot.


i'm always heading back to the same end.

Writing over the last misery.