Wednesday, July 24, 2013

15 Things To Do When You're Down

Chapter Seven.

Page 205 of 365.

15 Things To Do When You're Down

1. Playing with your nephew or niece or somebody else's kids. Kids won't let you be unhappy. They definitely will make you feel better. Or tired. At least, when you're tired, you won't have any energy left to be deppresed.

2. Binge - shopping. People say, when you're feeling low, do some random act of kindness. And i know that buying things helps our economy growth or something like that. It's like paying taxes: you're helping the government. But binge - shopping makes you happy. Paying taxes doesn't.

3. Go to your grandma's house. Nothing heals ache like grandma's cookies. Grandmas are like kids, they won't sense your deppresion. They only sense your hunger. They will make you feel better and full.

4. Tell everyone you meet that life is unfair until you fed up of your own words and decide to do something about your life.

5. Take a cab. Tell the driver to go to a place that comes up in your mind when he asks you where you are heading to. Enjoy the trip. Chat with the driver. Pay him twice.

6. Buy 10 pretzels and give each to everyone who smiles first to you.

7. Watch this video.

8. Give yourself a makeover. Be a brunette.

9. Write down the stuffs that make you feel bad. Burn it. Pour the ashes in the beach..

10. Take a train somewhere. Get lost. Try to find your way back home by asking help to strangers. Don't call your friends or family for help. Don't take a cab to go back. Only take advice for public transportation from the elders.

11. Go to the food court in a mall. Dub over everyone in your mind.

12. Get any Patrick Star poster. Put it on your ceiling so everytime you're awake you see it first.

13. Go to the gym. Flirt with all the cute trainers and members. When they smile back, wink.

14. Be a volunteer in an orphanage or animal shelter for a day . Or better, for a year.

15. Do the grocery shopping with your mom. Don't brag about how bad your life is. Ask her to tell you about her first love.

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