Tuesday, September 14, 2010


have you ever lose your way? see no signs to leading you on? wondering what actually your mistake was? well, i have. often.

it's not good at all, knowing you're lost. knowing you make any mistakes, knowing there's another people who could've done it better than you. so hard to accept that fact but sometimes, you have to face it, whether you will like it or not.

but, the bad news is, the hardest part is not over yet! after those things that make us confused, we have to face the biggest giant, deciding what's next. there's only one reason why we have to do it carefully: it will impact your whole future.

failure is the most unexpected part in the world. but now, when we get that 'special gift', what should we do now? only two choices left: give up or work harder.

theorytically, we'll answer: DON'T GIVE UP! but it's amazing when the fact is many people were giving up after the first failure. we know why. failure leaves scars. failure gives you a big loser mark on your forehead. it's better to be realistic than optimistic, they said.

when you've decided to keep chasing your dreams, it's not getting easier, too. but what makes some people keep the faith is they always see the prize. they don't see the obstacles, they already knew it. they know they have to work billions times harder. it's not easy, i repeat, it's not easy.

do you think the greatest piano player enjoy every rehearsal when his friends are having fun with the girls? do you think the most succesful businessman doesn't hate all the jobs they have to do in the middle of the night? they cried sometimes. but mostly, all the hard work is worth the prize.

the next you failed on something and someone ask you, "are you giving up now?", just answer, "hell to the no.".

Monday, September 13, 2010


hey, readers.

hari minggu kemaren, gue ngumpul - ngumpul lagi bareng temen sma gue, berhubung lagi pada libur lebaran. sebelom ketemuan sih, gue biasa aja. pas udah ketemuan terus ketawa bareng, cerita - cerita, baru gue sadar: i miss this moment. really. seneng banget denger cerita dari temen - temen sma. denger gimana capeknya kuliah, gimana capeknya adaptasi sama temen baru, gimana betenya cari temen yang pas. gue seneng denger cerita mereka walaupun harus nunggu taun depan buat beneran ngerasainnya. hahaha. sebenernya gue kira, mereka udah asik sama temen kuliah masing - masing, jarang komunikasi soalnya. tapi ternyata, walaupun udah ada temen kuliah, ternyata temen sma masih ada tempat khusus di hati masing - masing. how sweet that sounds. satu hal touchy yang gue sadari kemaren adalah orang - orang ini yang akan gue kangenin, yang akan diundang saat nikah, yang bakal dimintain tolong pas udah kerja, yang akan ditemuin kalo reuni.

pas inget gimana nyebelinnya mereka dulu, sekarang malah jadi satu cerita lucu yang kita bahas pas ketemu. gimana anak - anak udah maklumin pundungnya gue, gimana pada sakit hati ama omongannya jijil *dan gue satu - satunya orang yang bisa bikin jijil sakit hati sama omongan gue*, gimana centilnya boti ke james atau gak ke lukas *pura pura tapi ...*, gimana banyolan ferdi selalu bikin ngakak, gimana chentonk diisengin ferdi tiap hari, gimana si nu membanggakan aset negaranya untuk minta dispen ke pak dede, gimana boti selalu overreacted kadang - kadang, gimana serunya kita pas liburan ke PIK, gimana hebohnya kita kalo nyiapin kejutan pas ultah, gimana deg deg an nya kita pas karaokean tengah malem pas ada isu gempa, gimana capeknya kita tiap senen sama rabu karena harus les ci resa, gimana kita buru - buru makannya di tante hana biar gak telat les *walau tetap telat*, gimana dulu di mos, gimana dulu nge mos, gimana dulu di ldk, gimana dulu nge ldk, gimana dulu kita takut ngadepin un, gimana kita bingung nentuin kuliahan, gimana kita foto - foto bukta, gimana kita sedih - sedihan pas prom. dengan kenangan sebanyak itu, gimana gue bisa lupa sama kalian?

sekarang udah pada sibuk lagi sama kuliahannya masing - masing dan gue yang masih belajar, berusaha masuk UI taun depan. rencananya kita bakal kumpul lagi pas liburan taun baru, mudah - mudahan aja beneran jadi. :D. walau masa harus berganti, biarlah kenangan tetap di hati. :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

wisdom comes when you pass enough problems.

what doesn't kill you, gives you scar.

looking back always makes us smile.

a friend is someone who knows when to stay beside us and when to leave us alone.

we can lie to anyone but two: God and mom.

i know two things useless: regret and wishing you come back.

life is full of choices and fears but our only hope is God.

the greatest love story could summarize in this sentence: i love her, she loves him, he loves her, we're bestfriends. (It's originally Cathy's words but i add some words.)

i wish i could hold you for longer than forever.

your imperfection is your perfection as human.

never draw the line for relationship. your should draw a circle which never has an end.

when you love someone too deep, you give her hundreds reasons to hurt you.. or love you back.

talk is cheap but sorry is the most expensive word.

you can't be everything to everyone but you always can be something to someone.

love is air, it's free. love is fire, it's dangerous. love is water, it heals. love is rock, it's strong.

i used to wish a happy ending before i realize that a happy life is much better.

God provides what we need, not what we want.

when life gives you a lemon... try to make a lemonade.

we are what we think, not what they think.

luckily, your pride is not based on how much followers you have on twitter.

you can't go back and fix everything in the past but you can go on and fix everything right now.

those words are ORIGINALLY mine. you can quote it on twitter, facebook, or wherever but i appreciate credits so much (twitter: @imanuelchristo) .

Thursday, September 2, 2010

smile (cover of charlie chaplin) - glee cast

smile though your heart is aching
smile, eventough it's breaking
when there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
if you smile through your pain and sorrow
smile and maybe tomorrow
you'll see the sun comes shining through for you

light up your face with gladness
hide every trace of sadness
although a tear maybe ever so near
that's the time you must keep on trying
smile, what's the use of crying?
you'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile

lagu ini kata - katanya sederhana tapi nguatin banget. lagunya juga enak dibawainnya ama para glee cast. sederhana tapi menyentuh. best glee season 1's song.