Monday, June 28, 2010

memories. (dedicated for 231009)

something old is
my feeling.
grows with time.
stronger and deeper.

something borrowed is
your heart.
and i give it back to you in pieces.

something blue is
our stories.
when i try to make it more dramatic,
i'm amazed that i can't.

something new is
someone beside you now.


i felt it on my head.
when i was heading to your home.
the place that you should be.

falling down to my suit.
when i was running somewhere.
somewhere i never thought you would be.

you saw it on my head.
when you were standing there.
with someone i've known for years.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

my hero is you - hayden panettiere

You know I try to be
All that I can
But there's a part of me
I still don't understand

Why do I only see
What I don't have
When my reality
Its things are not that bad

Your faith has shown me that

When my world goes crazy
You won't let go
When the ground gets shaky
You give me hope
When I try to push you away
You never move, yeah

Now when I start doubting
You help me see
There's a strength, and a mind, and a power in me
Oh believe me thereain't nothing I can't do
My hero is you, yeah
My hero is you

I never saw the way
You sacrificed
Who knew the price you paid
How can I make it right
I know I've gotta try

When my world goes crazy
You won't let go
When the ground gets shaky
You give me hope
When I try to push you away
You never move, yeah

Now when I start doubting
You help me see
There's a strength, and a mind, and a power in me
You believe there ain't nothing I can't do
My hero is you, yeah
My hero is you

And I hope that you can see
You're everything that I wanna be, ooh

When my world goes crazy
You won't let go
When the ground gets shaky
You give me hope
When I try to push you away
You never move, yeah

Now when I start doubting
You help me see
There's a strength, and a mind, and a power in me
Oh believe me there ain't nothing I can't do
My hero is you, yeah
My hero is you

My hero is you

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


hey, readers.

udah lama gak posting nih and i've got a looooot of things to say. :)

first, prom berlangsung cukup lancar! cerita lengkapnya gini. hari jumat pagi, gue pusing. dekor belom dipasang, orang yang mau ngasi kata sambutan belom dihubungin. wiiih, what a mess deh pokoknya. jadi, gue bagi tugas. pierri ngehubungin orang - orangnya, gue ama nu ngedekor bareng anak osis. jam 8 udah di sekolah dan lapangan masih cuma pake tenda doang.

baru jam 10an, pas istirahat ketemu anak osis, itu juga bentar doang ngarahin merekanya. terpaksa nunggu ampe balik skul baru bisa pada ngedekor gara - gara gak dikasih dispen. >.<. pas mulai ngedekor, si ferdinya latian band ternyata. gue bingung ngarahinnya, takut salah. aaaah, dekor dekor, gue gila jadinya. kata bu dini, udah, imanuel, kamu aja yang nyuruhnya, kan memang kamu seksi acara sama dekor. hmm, gw mikirnya sih rada gak enak gak ngomong ke ferdi dulu. tapi daripada gak kedekor.

akhirnya, gue, nu, dan anak osis bekerja membabi buta berusaha ngejar waktu. sayangnya, bukannya membantu, anak osis yang baru terutama kelas x, malah diem we. ngeliatin yang pada latian md. yang cape gue keneh, mentari, tara, epen, dj, palingan. walaupun mereka akhirnya bantuin, setelah beribu - ribu kali digebah - gebah.

udah jam 2 dan dekor masih kacau. si nu udah pulang tapi untungnya ferdi dateng. gue memutuskan untuk pulang juga karena gue belom ada baju prom dan mau gunting rambut dulu. akhirnya, dengan berat hati, gue pulang dulu. pas jalan ke rumah, ujan gede. gue mikirin terus di rumah. tenda gimana, dekor gimana, acara gimana.

akhirnya gue beburu tuh dari rumah jam limaan lewat. jam setengah enam nyampe skul and i was amazed. dekornya rapi, keren, awesome. kaget gue. hahaha. ternyata bu dini turun tangan. and it just wow.

prom gue lumayan lancar walaupun gue gempor ngurusin acaranya tapi i'm satisfied. :)

dan yang kedua, gue lolos umb! masuk psikologi unj! psikologiiiiiiiiiiii! akhirnya, Thanks JC! bersyukur bersyukur banget. apalagi tadi baru tau kalo yang ikut sekitar 1500 dan yang keterima 15 orang. pfiuf. a big big huge thanks for my great God!

dan ternyata gue didaftarin snmptn juga loh! jadi harus belajar lagi deh. :D. nyoba gak ada salahnya kan?

hmm, readers, segitu aja yah, lagi pilek nih. males ngetik jadinya. hahaha.